The Range is blessed with 320,000 acres of the Superior National Forest, three state forests, and 500 lakes, rivers and streams that provide hunters and sportsmen with a perfect habitat for the growth and management of wildlife. Over 42% of Northeastern Minnesota is public land and open to different types of hunting at various times under the guidelines of the Department of Natural Resources and the United States Forest Service.
Guide services are available for some outdoor hunting activities, and some lodging properties offer special packages or group rates for hunters and sportsmen, depending on the season. We encourage all visiting sportsmen to leave only footprints and bestow this great pristine wilderness area onto another generation of sportsmen for them to enjoy just as you do today. We invite you to polish your guns, grab your hunting gear and get to The Iron Range for a great hunting experience.
What’s it like during hunting season on the Iron Range? Orange is the color of the day, not only for hunters, but anyone in the great outdoors this time of year. Even dogs wear orange neckerchiefs or collars so they stand out in the brown foliage of the season. Hunting clothes hang outdoors (to air out and lose the scents that might keep deer away) and hunters stock up on the food they’ll need to fuel long days in the deer stand or on the drive. Bread, lunchmeat, mini-candybars and chili usually top the lists! Whether you’re headed to your own land, or somewhere in the Superior National Forest, the brisk air, the quiet woods and wildlife await. Coming in from out of the area? It’s easy to find a friendly place to stay.