
Four Cool, Indoor Iron Range Attractions to Visit In Bad Weather

Everyone has been out on a trip and realized that the weather isn’t cooperating with plans. Humidity, excessive rain, and even strong winds are things that are tricky to plan ahead for; but having a backup plan in the event of unfortunate weather is the best way to keep the energy up even when the rain is pouring down. So, before making your Plan B, check out our four cool, indoor attractions on the Iron Range to visit when weather is an issue!

Museums Make Learning Fun

The Minnesota Discovery Center is an excellent first choice with a ton of interactive displays to explore with subjects ranging from geology and ancient history to early American history and the steel workers unions. There is also a theater that will occasionally have special screenings, educational events to attend, and even an archive if you really want to dive into the history of The Range. Then, if there is still time to burn and weather to wait out, the Minnesota Museum of Mining is just down the road and features even more history as well as a replica mine shaft to explore!

In Hibbing, The Greyhound Bus Museum is a hidden gem that is easy to overlook and is often underestimated. The bus line that is now a nationwide staple for travelers began right in Hibbing, MN and they have all of the old models on display and available to explore.

Ice Bumper Cars Are Cool!

If you need to cool off, try and catch the ice bumper cars at the Iron Trail Motors Event Center! Visitors can either rent rink time to do some ice skating or drive around in the bumper cars for a bit of fun that will take the heat off of an extra humid day! The available times vary and should definitely be checked in advance before making plans.

Connect to Nature Indoors

In the event of rain here is one that not many people consider: the Olcott Park Botanical Garden. There’s just something romantic tied to watching rain roll off glass, and while surrounded by the various plant life collected and maintained at their greenhouse it is a wonderful spot to sit and relax while still feeling connected to nature.

There are a lot of options to pick from when ducking away from the weather, and deciding where to go ahead of time prevents any hiccups in what would otherwise be a seamless day. There’s no shame in abandoning one plan in favor of one that is more amenable to the situation, that’s life sometimes. Planning ahead means that the impact from bad weather won’t hang over your head and make for an altogether better experience.

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